Privacy Policy

We do not resell personal information and do not pass on your personal information to others. They are only registered in our customer directory. You can delete your information at any time.

In order for you to enter into an agreement with Vapecana, we need the following information:

. Name
. Address
. Phone number
. Email address

We make the registration of your personal information for the purpose of delivering the goods to you.

The personal information is registered with Vapecana, and stored for up to five years, after which the information is deleted.

When collecting personal information via our website, we ensure that it always happens by submitting your explicit consent, so that you are informed exactly what information is being collected and why.

The director and employees for Vapecana have access to the information recorded about you.

We do not store and transmit customer information encrypted.

As registered with Vapecana, you always have the right to object to the registration. You also have the right to know what information is registered about you. Please e-mail


On cookies are used for the purpose of optimizing the website, and its functionality, making the visit as easy as possible for you.

You can delete cookies from your computer at any time.

If you regret your purchase (Withdrawal)

Vapecana offers a 14 days full refund on goods purchased on the website unless otherwise agreed or stated in your order. Refunds that are not accepted as a defect product cost 20 euros and are covered by the customer.

Please notice! The product can’t be open or used. The seal must be unbroken on the products/bottles!

The 14 day period starts on the day the order is delivered.

The request for cancellation must be notified to us no later than 14 after the delivery, and be with us no later than 14 days after we are informed of your use of the right of cancellation/withdrawal.

If you wish to make use of your right to withdraw the purchase, you must send us an e-mail on: In your message, clearly make us aware that you want to use your right of withdrawal.