Terms & Conditions

Vapecana is part of Veritas Trading S.L.
San Pancracio, 1, 1 B
29640 Fuengirola (Málaga), Spain
Reg. number: B70835640
VAT: ESB70835640

These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as “GTC-C”) govern the rights and obligations between trading company Vapecanna(hereinafter referred to as the “Seller”) and natural persons – consumers (hereinafter referred to as the “Buyer”) in connection with or based on purchase Contracts or service Contracts concluded through the Seller’s online shop at https://www.vapecana.com/.

I. Introductory Provisions

  • GTC-C regulate the rights and obligations arising from Contracts concluded between the Seller and consumers through the Seller’s e-shop at https://www.vapecana.com/.
  • GTC-C also cover the use of the Seller’s website at https://www.vapecana.com/ and other related legal relationships.
  • GTC-C do not apply to business transactions or transactions involving legal entities. In such cases, separate General Business Terms for Business Relations with Natural Persons – Entrepreneurs or Legal Entities apply.
  • Contrary provisions in Contracts take precedence over GTC-C.
  • GTC-C are an integral part of the Contract, which is concluded and executed in Germany.
  • The Seller reserves the right to amend GTC-C while maintaining the rights and obligations established during their effective period.

II. User Account

  • Registered Buyers have access to a user interface (“User Account”) to order goods or services. Unregistered Buyers can also make purchases directly through the E-shop Web Interface.
  • Buyers must provide accurate information when registering and ordering. They are responsible for updating this information.
  • If Buyers provide data for a legal entity, the Seller considers the order made on behalf of that entity.
  • User Account access is secured by a username and password. Buyers must maintain confidentiality and are responsible for any misuse.
  • Buyers may not share their User Account with third parties.
  • The Seller may cancel inactive User Accounts or due to breach of Contract terms.
  • Buyers understand that User Account availability may be intermittent due to maintenance.

III. Conclusion of Contract

  • The E-shop Web Interface lists goods and services with prices, valid unless otherwise stated.
  • Offers in the E-shop Web Interface are non-binding.
  • Delivery costs are specified.
  • Buyers complete an order form with details and payment method.
  • Before submission, Buyers can review and modify their orders.
  • The Seller may request additional confirmation for certain orders.
  • Contractual relationship begins upon the Seller’s Order confirmation email.
  • The Seller is not obliged to conclude Contracts with individuals who have previously breached their obligations.

IV. Price of Goods and Services, Payment Terms

  • Payment methods include card payments only.
  • Prices include associated delivery costs unless stated otherwise.
  • Payment terms, pay before delivery.
  • Discounts may be combined.

V. Withdrawal from Contract

  • Buyers cannot withdraw from Contracts for specific goods or services, per Civil Code regulations.
  • If withdrawal is possible, Buyers must notify the Seller within 14 days of receipt.
  • Returned goods must be in original condition.
  • Refunds are issued within 14 days of withdrawal.
  • Damaged goods may affect refund amounts.
  • The Seller may withdraw from Contracts before delivery.

VI. Transport, Delivery of Goods and Provision of Services

  • Delivery methods are determined by the Seller.
  • Buyers must accept goods at agreed locations.
  • Additional delivery attempts incur costs.
  • Buyers must inspect goods upon delivery and report any issues.
  • Additional delivery terms may apply.
  • Services begin after payment.

VII. Liability for Defects, Warranty

  • Seller liability complies with Civil Code regulations.
  • Conformity with Contract includes product quality and description accuracy.
  • Buyers have options for rectifying defects.
  • Seller warranties apply to goods and services.
  • Some defects are not considered.

VIII. Other Rights and Obligations of Parties

  • Ownership transfer occurs upon full payment.
  • Buyer rights to copyrighted works are specified.
  • Buyers must respect copyright and E-shop Web Interface integrity.
  • Buyers may not interfere with E-shop Web Interface operations.
  • No additional services are provided after sale, except as explicitly stated.
  • Seller is not liable for third-party website interference.

IX. Personal Data Protection

Seller complies with personal data protection regulations.

X. Applicable law and jurisdiction

  • Vapecana can take legal action if the website is misused or the Terms of Use are not followed.
  • Disputes will be handled in Spain, following Spanish laws.
  • Seller operations comply with legal requirements.
  • Vapecana will try to resolve conflicts peacefully when possible.
  • Invalid provisions are replaced.
  • Contracts are archived electronically.
  • Contracts are binding until fulfilled.
  • Supplier contact details are provided.

These General Terms and Conditions come into effect on May 15, 2024.


The content on this website serves as general information regarding diet, health, and nutrition. All information provided through this platform is solely for educational purposes. It is not intended as advice and should not be interpreted as such. The general information provided here is presented “as is” without any expressed or implied warranties.

Vapecana does not guarantee the accuracy or reliability of the health information presented on this website. Individuals should not substitute the information here for professional medical advice from qualified healthcare providers.

If you suspect you have or may develop a medical condition, it is imperative to seek immediate medical attention. Never delay medical consultation, ignore medical advice, or discontinue treatment based on information obtained from our website or provided by us. None of the information contained herein constitutes a medical diagnosis or should be construed as medical advice or treatment recommendations. Before making any lifestyle, dietary, or nutritional changes, consulting with your doctor or healthcare provider is strongly advised.

This website may include links to third-party websites for convenience, but their inclusion does not imply endorsement. We do not assume responsibility for the content of linked third-party websites and make no representations regarding their materials. Users accessing or relying on information from linked third-party websites do so at their own risk.

This website does not promote, endorse, or advocate the use of legal or illegal drugs. All information provided here or through this website is intended solely for educational purposes.

Vapecana cannot be held accountable for content on its website pages or linked pages that endorse legal or illegal drug use or engage in unlawful activities. We bear no responsibility for any improper or incorrect use of the information or services provided on this website and assume no liability for individuals’ use of such information or services.